Our Values

Passionate About What We Do

At EPIC not only are we passionate about what we do, ‘Analytics’ and ‘Think Customer’, but we also hire for 'Passion', we see when there is a spark in the eye of our current and to-be colleagues and as long as that passion is in line with the work that EPIC wants to do, we try to do everything to sparks that passion and let the person skills loose in that area. We believe that without passion a person or an organization will never thrive – passion is one of the common factors between a person's dreams and making that dream a reality. Our passion will bring energy of its own to your team.

Honest & Candid

We believe that being honest and candid about our capabilities and your capabilities will take us a long way not only in building and overcoming them, but also in building trust with ourselves and with you. Recognition is always the first stage to improvement, and without being honest with ourselves and with our clients, one can never really get past the basic stumbling blocks.

Team Work – No One is Perfect!

One and one makes eleven…

Perfection is a Divine trait – we mortals all have some part of the Divine and often that trait is unique in us. Our job is to bring it together. We all recognize each other strengths and weaknesses and propagate them when appropriate and cover the weaknesses when required. But we believe that without team work, we would be nowhere. Having a team that has the same vision and brings together various skills to fulfil that vision is the only way to work towards perfection. Our work environment is completely open space where we constantly communicate to get the team revved up like an engine!!

Learn from our Mistakes

As long as we are learning from our mistakes we consider it as an opportunity in disguise. It is our firm conviction that from our mistakes stems success. This also means that we always accept positive criticism with an open heart.

About Us

EPIc Consulting has been formed with a mission to help you experience ‘Customer Centric’ growth. We have a firm conviction that doing what is right for your customers by developing a deep understanding of their purchase behavior, needs and expectations is the way to grow sustainable businesses... More